Sunday, February 2, 2014

Dear brother..

This 7 years brothership is so unbelievable. Hard to explain. And I still can't believe, he's still there! We're still there, on WE or let say... US!

Knowing the history, an awkward moment to know each other. A moment that I believe, no one will stay on future. Sprinkled by childish fight. And maybe on some time ago, we've hate each other. *I admit I hated him so much, once* :p

We've grown up together. Start with high school flick, continue to college, and now on mature-to-be journey. From emotional adolescence chat to semi-stupid-serious-adult chat. Knowing each other way deep, to the what-I-hide-under-my-bed.

All my most wanted dream is to have an older brother. Which is, that would never be comes true.

A friend to share, a guardian to protect, a clown to cheer, and a therapist to calm..
Arguing, bullying, hating, caring, cheering..


I don't know how to called it?
But he's there.
He always there.
Although a bit annoying with elf ears.
But you're there!

Thank you..
After 7 years, finally we're having a picture together! :D
And so you know, I always be that little spoiled girl.. With cranky and witty sounds..
Meet my dear brother, Alfan Budi Kurniawan

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