Sunday, August 24, 2014

The things you may not know about

I am just an ordinary ambitious girl. Like other first kids do.
I am hungry of experience, i feel challenged to try new things.

My elementary period, as happy as other kids.
- I like reading comic
- I like reading and collect books
- I dreamed and arranged system to built my own library, unfortunately I lack of same age neighborhood's friend, I didn't have customer
- I made a comic with my some friends
- I started write poem
- I learned to independence financially for my own extra needs.

My Junior-High period, I was felt really disappointed. I failed to get what I want. Then He changes it with another beautiful plan.
- I learned that not everyone as lucky as I am
- I learned to be humble and nice person, to everyone
- I learned how to down to earth and build empathy sense
- I involved in school organization and joined chairman's election. I got 3rd position caused I'm not involved in any other extracurricular
- I got good mark in every subject, except math
- I joined every competition as a representative of my school. Mostly English speech contest
- Realized that I don't have good skill in drawing, I decide to wrote 3 teenagers novels (unpublished)

My High School period, seems like this one of the most valuable moment ever.
- Still, as a school representative for English competition
- I joined theatre. Involved in many performances on stage and back stage. My final achievement was as the chairman
- I joined one of teenage magazine's beauty pageant
- I joined in local beauty pageant (I got semifinalist)
- I joined one of mall's beauty pageant (I got finalist)
- I joined student exchange test, but I failed
- Several times my writing (articles & short stories) published in local teenage newspaper. This is my first experienced got fee by my own
- I started my own small scale business

My College period. Seems not my favorite time, but unconsciously I have good achievement even my study not as good as it.
- I paid my own fault (short semester)
- I paid my own research for final task
- I have a fashion online shop on my 2nd year of college. Earned almost 5 mio / month
- On 3rd year of college, I became a co lecturer of English subject
- I joined a project product design, as a promotion departement
- Successful as an e-marketer of phenomenal "Jarcake"
- I learned how to hire people
- I learned about agreement. I learned about people
- I met so many gorgeous people
- I joined International Halal Food Festival (2 times)
- I joined Korean Student-exchange host family

- I decide to be a food enthusiast, who appreciate food not only from taste and price
- I keep learn appreciate others, not judge others from what they come from
- I keep learn to not judge what people do
- I keep learn to open my mind for every little things in this world
- I keep learn to always be thankful with every little things happened in my life
- I turn off my dissapoint ego
- I turn off my sense of hurt

Many things I've done. And I just realize that so many things. I consciously know that I could do so many good things.
And sometimes I still felt unworthy, people oftentimes underestimate by what the way they look at me..

Unbrainy dependent labelled, a social butterfly with good appearance, who taking advantages by what she look.
Well, she's just a stubborn girl who love to wear make up and heels on every weekend.

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