Wednesday, February 13, 2013

My Graduation Cupcakes Made with Love by The Dream's Cake

After the cakes while doing 'final task' scene, now its time for graduation cupcakes!
Thank you so much..

Thank you dear The Dream's Cake, especially to Bundar.. :')
a dream comes true with a cake..
Let's take a look my cupcakes.. ;)
Aren't they lovely and cute? ;) Cupcakes Graduation theme by The Dream's Cake
Go zoom on the detail.. ;)
another flower on my graduation cupcakes.. :') sweet..
hey it's my figurine on cupcakes.. in graduation clothes.. :D
Congraduation to me.. Pink and blue.. :')
Semua hiasan terbuat dari icing sugar (fondant) yang dapat dikonsumsi dan halal, dengan organic food coloring so no worries.. :)
Cupcakesnya sendiri rasa Red Velvet. So far belum pernah nemu redvelvet cupcakes yang enak selain di The Dream's Cake dan buatan sendiri (yang meski agak kurang sempurna :p). Fyi, jauh sebelum si redvelvet ini hip di Indonesia, The Dream's Cake udah mempopulerkannya loh.. :)
Another Fyi, Red Velvet itu nggak sekedar cake yang dikasih pewarna merah. Ada rasa coklat dan aroma khas pada Red Velvet dan dilengkapi sama cheeziest cream.. :9

Setengah nggak rela makan karena itu cupcakes unyu banget, eh pas pagi udah diambil satu sama adik.. Besoknya dikasih satu cup buat pacar..
Daaaaannn cobaaa tebaaak ini graduation cupcakes unyu-unyu siapa yang ngabisin??!
My Little Cousin, Tegar

He really loves The Dream's Cake's Red Velvet Cupcakes
Thank you The Dream's Cake, Thank you Bundar.. :*

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