Monday, February 11, 2013

My Graduation : I'm Nothing without You..

5 February 2013

Thank you for everything..
Support, help..
Every sweet things we've shared..
Sadness, happiness, laugh, cry..

I'll always wish all the best to us..
For us.. *cheers!
Thank you for everything.. :')

Family of TMIP 2008
Guys Generation! :D

Me with Yange, Guys who's Graduate this time.. :')
Me with Rakhmi, partner in so CRIME! Thank you.. :*

Me with Riri, the love of my lifeeeeee... *eh :p thank you so bray!

I'm nothing without you..
I could stand there its all because of you..
thank you so much for all of your sincerity..

Galuh Fajriyah Galura

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