Thursday, October 17, 2013

Gratitude is attitude..

17 October 2013,

Hello! It's been a long time no post. :D
Being pretend bit busy lately, no internet connection aaaaannndddd.. among of adaptive situation. Well, its been two weeks and I confused where to start the story.

At the end of last month, my granny has passed away. It so unbelievable. I went to visit her as usual, but then I still couldn't believe one hour met her was the last hour. I didn't noticed that while I though she's sleeping, its some of her last breath. That moment while she was on her last breath, she kept said "Allah.. Allah..", all we could do was praying while the tears come out. You know that moment when the doctor come, do every medical procedure, and at the end said sorry to inform something? Yap, I was on that moment. Its really hurt and made me so speechless. I'm gonna miss you granny, although we only met once a year..

On the early October, I just realize that I have wear hijab one year. Happy? Yep! Alhamdulillah, I have a blissful life, and I'm so thankful for it. Many easement I got after. Enjoying life more and always be thankful for it. My hijab also has become a reminder for every action I take. Its perfectly full of happy! :)
And I will never stop to learn to be better muslimah. May Allah add His bless always. :)

Last one, some couple days ago I met my school's mate, called it a lovely besties. One day hangout, released our longing. I just realize, that along of my life, Allah has super beautiful plan. All of besties who surround me are humble and lovely person. I love the way they are accept me. I love that they're perfectly match understand whole me. Last but not least, many things I could learn from their modesty, like wake me up on when I'm on the lowest level of mine.
Thank you all of my besties for being a strong and colorful bite crayon on my life.
And I'm so thankful for surround by yours sweetness. Alhamdulillah, I'm blessed. :)

I am so thankful for entire life of mine..
Happy! :)

Galuh Fajriyah Galura

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