Saturday, May 18, 2013

Poffertjes Familie..

18 May 2013,

Did you guys know what is poffertjes?
First time I heard that name, I guess it was kind of food, and something that puffy. And my guess was right, it is a food, sweet, but hard to explain how the texture. Based on Wikipedia Poffertjes are a traditional Dutch batter treat. Resembling small, fluffy pancakes, they are made with yeast and buckwheat flour. Unlike American pancakes, they have a light, spongy texture. Typically, poffertjes are served with powdered sugar and butter, and sometimes syrup.

Well, I've heard but I don't know how to cook and how it tasted, until someday granny of my zing (I found this 'zing' word from Hotel Transylvania movie :p) got the recipe from her friend. My zing's granny called Enin so excited to tried the recipe. I'd really love to help at that time. And you know what? Nowadays, every family gathering's time, this fluffy-ball-yummy-tasty-good-smell always attend. And it is really excited to join in cook this poffertjes. It's really need patience but fun yet. 

After did every step in recipe, the most fun step is when it comes time to cook it. With a pan that shape  many little round (look like a pan to cook Takoyaki). You just filled the shape round about 3/4, and after this you should really patience to wait it's being gold brown, then you slide it, then you put the dough again, slide it again, and the dough again, finish it until it shaped to be perfectly rounded. You can use tooth picks to do that slide thing. Fun! Yes absolutely fun! Do it with some people and in patience-time do some light conversation.

Poffertjes in a pan
Still hot, but everyone grab them fast.
The leftover of poffertjes for the 'chef' :p
I think I could called it Poffertjes Familie. Its really represent family, start from the beginning of make it. We need every part that should be like in recipe, then there a time to be patience wait the dough raise, then the cook time until it served in warm, sweet, and lovely condition to be enjoy together. That how family should be i guess.. :)

Galuh Fajriyah Galura

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