First time watched Hunger Games, quite scared with the set. I couldn't imagine if it was a real world. But yes, it's almost similar with nowadays situation. People kill each other for their needs. Maybe for food or maybe for the throne. Who has strength can keep alive, while the weak will be dead.
Awkay, back to the movie which is the last part from Hunger Games trilogy. Continuing the story before, that Katniss Everdeen as the Mockingjay who mobilize revolution from all districts against the Capitol. More than against the Capitol to be free, she has another intention, to kill President Snow (leader of Panem). People from all districts start the revolution, they try to reach the Capitol, so does Katniss. She accompany with some of her ally and friends.
This last part was the second part of Mockingjay (third part of Hunger Games trilogy), maybe this is why the movie not as suspenseful as the movie before. This part is an anti-climax, like a cooling down from other part before.
Not too much drama, or actions. But from this part, we can learn that we cannot trust anyone. Friends an be an enemy, and maybe enemy can show you who is your true friends.
Spoiler, if you haven't read the book. You can dropped a jaw seeing how the ending of this movie.
Taa Daaa.. Lower my appetite to coffee. Decrease my frequent of drinking coffee. I like drink coffee since I was kid. I like coffee as a fun drink. But now, since I work I addicted to coffee. I couldn't spent any day without coffee.
Until one day I got problem with my stomach, all of my friends blame the coffee I drank. Some days after I got sick I didn't drink coffee. Actually my sick not caused by this coffee, I just not careful with my eat schedule.
But one thing I realized that my heart beat faster after drinking coffee. I think its not good anymore. I need to change habit, back to before. Made coffee as a fun drink not a daily routines.
Awalnya nggak terlalu interest untuk buru-buru nonton pas masih baru banget keluar. Tapi, tapi, tapi jiwa ini teracuni. Dan jeng jeeeeeng, jadilah girls-day-out-tak-terencana Sabtu kemarin tanggal 7. Mumpung sampe ke Bandung masih siang, jadinya teracuni pikiran dari cewek-cewek yang tetiba pengen nonton. Jadilah Sabtu sore habis di bioskop. (Psst.. We tried new blitzmegaplex in BEC Bandung, and its quite good to try. Comfort dan nggak se-crowded blitz PVJ).
All I knew from James Bond's movie is an action movie, full of technology, action scene, conspiration, and Bond's Girl. And I think this movie quite same with those criteria. (grin)
When the movie started, an unusual opening happened. A full of theme song 'Writing's on the wall' played with Craig Daniel and some effect as video clip. And there's also Sam Smith, the singer of the theme song.
The movie begin with Bond and his secret unfinished mission. Why it called secret? He didn't involved his team. Only he who knew what his mission. An unfinished mission, a legacy from his ex boss (If I'm not wrong she called as M).
When its time for a spy movie full of conspiration, you can see many places. (still could not understand how they can jump from one country to others).
First start in Mexico. He failed a bombing plan of a stadium which held a festival that attended by many people. On his action, he found a ring of a brotherhood with Octopus sign.
He back home, then he found another legacy from M, a video that told him to attend Marco Sciarra funeral ceremony at Rome. Bond come to Rome, attend the funeral ceremony and meet with Sciarra's widow, Lucia. From Lucia, Bond knowing about Spectre, an international criminal organization, which his husband belong to. Bond enters a Spectre meeting by showing the ring with Octopus sign. At the meeting he found out the leader of Spectre is Franz Oberhauser, a man that believed already dead. Bond's discovered attend the meeting illegally. He escaped from Mr. Hinx chased (Spectre's assassin).
Moneypenny found out about the Pale King, she informs Bond and lead him to Mr. White, the former member of Quantum, which still related to Spectre. He meets Mr. White. Mr. White admits that He was member of Quantum, he asks Bond to find her daughter Madeleine Swann. He told Bond that Madeleine will lead him to L'Americain which will lead him to Spectre. He also ask him to protect her daughter.
Bond meet Madeleine Swann, he told the story of his father asked him to meet her to found L'Americain. But Madeleine refused to help. She expelled Bond. While Bond thinking how to convince her, Madeleine is already abducted by Mr. Hinx. But then Bond success to save her, and she agree to help him found L'Americain.
Bond though L'Americain was a person, he wrongs. L'Americain is a small hotel in Morocco. There is a room in this hotel that Mr. White and his wife spend every wedding anniversary.. They found a secret room built by Mr. White, his working room. Bond found a coordinate of a crater, a location of Spectre.
They travel to the nearest point to this Spectre location by train. They arrived and welcomed by Franz Oberhauser. At this moment, revealed that Franz Oberhauser is a son of Bond's guardian father. Young Bond's be an orphan and taken care by Oberhauser. Franz turn envy with his 'new little brother', he killed his own father and making a fake scenario that he also killed at a landslide tragedy. He keeps his hatred to Bond, and try to make Bond's suffer in every moment. He tortured Bond, but fortunately Bond and Madeleine can escape from this area. Bond alse blow up Spectre area.
Bond and Madeleine back to London. Bond try to help M (his new boss) regarding shutdown issue of '00 programe' by the new ministry and try to stop launching of Nine Eye program which related to Spectre. Madeleine says goodbye, she can't handle to have a life with a secret agent.
M with helped by Q (the technologist of '00 program') succeed stop the launch of new program. While Bond try to save Madeleine, she abducted by Franz. She was kept in an empty building which will be blown up in several minutes. But again, Bond success escape with Madeleine before the building blown up. He chase Franz, and success arrest him. At the end, the story tell that Bond retired. End of the story like in a fairy tale, 'and they lived happily ever after'.
I think this Bond movie is a bit full of drama than the action itself. And as long as I remember, this is the first film keep Bond's girl alive!
Whole of story is fun and entertaining. Not that dull for a movie for 2,5 hours long.
Happy watching! But worth to be watched!
Rasanya udah berjuta-juta tahun lamanya nggak nyentuh ini blog.
Sadly karena sok-sok an sibuk, nyampe rumah pasti bawaannya pengen istirahat ajah. Then, di tempat 'baru' nggak ada Ayala (si laptop yang paling nyaman buat dipake nulis. Dear Ayala, you're irreplacable!), and no internet connection.
One day ketemu temen kuliah, He asked me whether I still blogging? And its kind a little kick in head. Terlalu lama aku nyuekin ini blog. So sorry..
Then here I am.. Doakan semoga bisa istiqomah untuk terus berbagi tulisan yang bermanfaat lewat blog ini yaa.. #tsaaaah..
My first step.
I changed the template to be simpler. (mungkin galuh sudah mulai dewasa). But I think its clean and clear enough to read, right?
And still, keep it with my favorite color. MINT !
Font nya, aku masih terlalu jatuh cinta sama font yang mirip-mirip sama handwriting. I don't know, just felt humble and natural with handwriting type.
Blog title nya juga udah diganti, jadi adorablegee (disamain sama address blog). Hey you! Thanks anyway for 'adorable' inspiration. Tapi teteuuup belom rela ngilangin si Manhattan's Mannequin nya. Tentang title Manhattan's Mannequin. Kenapa mesti nama itu? Aku doyan banget sama series nya Gossip Girls yang emang ngambil setting Manhattan city. Dan karena keracunan banget sama serial TV itu, salah satunya gara-gara fashion trend di film itu yang emagod cucok bingits. Its just like turn any teenager into a mannequin with every fashion style in every scene. Dan itulah kenapa jadinya Manhattan's Mannequin. Manhattan's city with stylish walking mannequin.
Mmmm.. Apalagi yah?
Nothing. I guess.
I just missed writing so much!
Menulis dan jadi galuh yang sebenarnya.
And now I'm thinking of what to write next.
wish me luck!
Assalamualaikum! This is my first post on 2015. Hellow everyone!
May this year come to be a year with more blessed, more happiness, and more good things happened.
Beberapa saat kemarin di Bandung (my lovely city yang nggak pernah kehabisan ide soal kuliner), lagi happening banget kue cubit rasa green tea dengan berbagai topping dari mulai meses sampe ke oreo.
Akhirnya nyobain kue cubit rasa green tea yang lagi happening itu di deket pasar cisangkuy. Awalnya sempet suudzon, itu cuma diwarnain doang, tapi ternyata enggak. Greentea nya kerasa! Nggak kecewa dehh..
Eh besokannya pengen lagi, berhubung lagi mager, akhirnya iseng nyobain bikin dirumah. Untungnya masih punya stock matcha powder.
Dan this is it.. Homemade Kue Cubit Greentea a la Gayuh..
- Gula pasir 100g
- Telur 2 butir
- Terigu 100g
- Mentega 75g, cairkan
- Matcha powder 2 sdt (sesuai selera)
- Baking powder 1/4 sdt
Cara memasak:
1. Kocok telur dan gula sampai mengembang
2. Tambahkan mentega yang sudah dicairkan
3. Tambahkan terigu sedikit demi sedikit sambil diaduk
4. Tambahkan matcha powder
5. Setelah adonan tercampur sempurna, masukkin baking powder lalu diaduk kembali
6. Siapkan wajan yang berbentuk cetakan kue cubit, olesi dengan mentega kemudian panaskan
7. Isi wajan dengan adonan setengah penuh, lalu tutup wajannya
8. Setelah setengah matang bisa langsung diangkat atau ditaburi topping sesuai selera
9. Kue cubit siap dicubit! ;p
Berhubung kita masak kue cubitnya di atas kompor, sedangkan abang-abang kue cubit masaknya diatas bara api, otomatis kue cubit yang dibikin dirumah lebih cepet mateng. Sooooo jangan ditinggal lama-lama yaah, nanti gosong.. ;p
Sabtu lalu tepatnya tanggal 20 December 2014, tepat pertama kalinya banget aku nyobain rafting alias arung jeram. Tadinya sempet ragu-ragu pas diajakin. Kenapa? Meski bisa berenang, aku anaknya gampang panik. :p Jangankan di sungai gede, di kolam renang aja kalau nggak fokus udah kayak mau tenggelam aja.
Sempet worried banged, tapi yaudah deh kapan lagi ada kesempatan buat ikutan rombongan rafting lagi. Daaaan akhirnya memutuskan untuk ikutan. Deg-degan sih awalnya, tapi yaudahlah yaa. Penasaran juga karena belom pernah nyoba dan ajang silaturahim juga sama temen-temen yang lain.
Pas udah confirm mau ikut, eeeeeh banyak bisikan bisikan nyebelin. Katanya rafting begini begitu, serem, bahaya, lalalalalalala. Sempet jadi ragu juga. But well, bismillah aja lah yaaa.. :) Kalau nggak coba sendiri kan nggak tahu kaya apaan. Ya kan?
Kalo dilihat dari segi cuaca yang udah nggak kemarau (biar nggak panas cyiin) terus ujannya juga belum terlalu heboh, kayaknya sih pas buat rafting. And I'm ready to against my fear! D
And the day is on!
Keberangkatan dibagi jadi tiga area, ada dari Purwakarta, Cikampek terus nanti kumpul di meeting point rest area tol jagorawi. Nah berhubung perginya pagi bingits, dan karena nggak ada yang nganter dari rumah akhirnya ikut nginep di rumah temen yang di Cikampek.
Pas hari Jumat tuh pulang dari kantor agak malem gegara ada kerjaan dan hujan. Pulangnya ngebet banget makan mpek-mpek di Cikampek. Eh taunya macet gara-gara banjir, tapi alhamdulillah pas sampe mpek-mpeknya masih buka. Nyaaaam! :D Abis itu langsung pulang.
Biasaaaa kalau cewek sleepover, nggak mungkin banget langsung tidur, pasti rumpi dulu, daaan baru tidur jam 12 lebih, padahal janjian untuk jalan jam 4 pagi.
Jeeeeeng jam 3 pagi baru bangun langsung buru-buru mandi daaaan siap-siap. Jam 4 udah dateng yang ngejemputnya, tapi keburu adzan jadi sholat subuh dulu baru cuusss.
On the way..
Dari Cikampek jalan sekitar jam 4 lebih, jam 6an udah sampe di meeting point. Baru deh jalan ke Sukabumi. Sekitar jam 10 udah sampe di Cherokee Arung Jeram. Sampe di tempat istirahat sebentar sambil sarapan. Menu sarapannya lengkap, nasi goreng, telor, sama kerupuk dll. Selesai sarapan istirahat bentar sambil nunggu rombongan yang belom dateng. Selesai sarapan, mulai siap-siap diangkut pake angkot ke pos tempat start arung jeram-nya. Posnya sekitar 15 menit dari tempat awal kedatangan. Sampai disana langsung siap-siap buat rafting.
Let's get prepare..
Pertama kita nyimpen tas, digabungin sama tas temen-temen serombongan dimasukin ke tas besar gitu. Nah tas besar itu disimpen di Pos Cherokee. Kedua mulai siap-siap ambil perlengkapan kaya rompi pelampung, helm, sama dayung. And here we go...
Dari Pos tadi kita jalan lagi sekitar 20 m ke pinggiran sungai tempat start rafting. Di pinggiran sungai udah ready boat-boat yang siap ngangkut rombongan-rombongan. :D Ternyata sekali jalan gitu banyak banget orangnya. Rombongan aku aja sampe 3 boat (masing-masing boat isi 6 orang + 1 orang guide), ditambah rombongan lainnya jadi sekitar 7-8 boat.
Sebelum mulai, dikasih tahu kalau air sungainya lagi tinggi, jadi jarak rafting yang tadinya 13km, dipotong jadi cuma 9km. Waktu naik ke boat, dug-dug ser gimana gitu rasanya, tapi mulai coba untuk tenang, bismillah! :D Galuh pasti bisa!
Boat aku isinya 6 orang, dengan 3 orang cewek dan 3 orang cowok. Ditambah 1 orang guide cowok namanya Pak Iir. Boat nya meluncur ke sungai, tapi sebelumnya guide-nya ngasih petunjuk seperti kapan mulai dayung, terus gimana cara belok, berhenti, sama boom. Setelah meluncur eh boat kita paling belakangan, haha sempet was-was karena ketinggalan sama yang lain. Tapi lama-lama bisa nyusul. Udaranya sejuk banget padahal udah diatas jam 10, mungkin karena pengaruh cuaca juga. Ternyata asyik yaa.. Ngikutin alur aliran sungai, ketika ada arus gelombangnya yang agak gede bikin perahunya naik turun. Asyik banget deh!
Subhanalloh, alhamdulillah, Allahu Akbar. Ngeliat indahnya alam, segernya udara pegunungan, pleus nikmatin arus air yang jinak-jinak gemesin, maka nikmat mana yang kamu dustakan?
Arus air sungai yang kadang selow, kadang gemesin. Tapi so far masih tenang, dan karena isi boat nya 3 orang cewek, guide nya juga nggak bawa ke arus yang besar, lebih ke yang tenang-tenang. Kurang gereget sih jadinya. ;p
Di tengah perjalanan kita mampir dulu ke point tempat istirahat. Disitu kita istirahat dulu, terus dikasih snack. Istirahat sekitar 15 menit lah kira-kira. Lalu kita cuss lagi deh.
Dayung.. 1.. 2.. 3.. Heboh-heboh, teriak-teriak gajelas. Bener-bener ngelepas rasa penat. Ditambah udaranya yang seger banget. ;') Alhamdulillah. Bener-bener SERU!
Nagih banget. Kurang gereget. Kurang lama. Nggak kerasa banget tau-tau udah sampe. Dalem bayangan 9km itu kayak jauuuuuuuh bangets, tapi berhubung kita di arus mengalir jadi nggak terlalu kerasa.
Serius! Nagih pake banget! Feeling save juga karena selain di boat ada guide, kita juga diikutin sama rescue team-nya.
Setelah turun dari boat, kita jalan dikit lagi agak ke atas terus naik angkot lagi buat kembali ke pos awal tempat nyimpen barang-barang. Ternyata dari titik berhenti rafting tadi ke pos awal itu agak lumayan jauh. Jalannya kecil, berbatu-batu, kaya dikocok-kocok di dalem angkot, jadi berasa naik roller coaster. ;p Akhirnya sampe juga di pos, enaknya jadi rombongan nyampe duluan itu nggak perlu ngantri mandi. :D Fyi tempat mandinya di Cherokee Arung Jeram ini udah cucok cyin banget, bersih dan udah modern meski ditutupi dinding bilik bambu. Cuma sayangnya tempat mandi cowok-cewek sama aja. Dan pengalaman nyebelin banget, lagi mandi digedor-gedor sama orang yang nggak sabaran ngantri, cowok lagi. :(
Abis mandi udah di sediain kelapa muda, terus makan siang super lengkap pun udah tersedia. :D Disitu juga berjejer tukang pijet yang siap ngilangin pegel-pegel sisa-sisa rafting.
Seru pake bingits! :D Pengalaman rafting di Cherokee Arung Jeram ini worth 250.000 (Fasilitas Arung Jeram, sarapan, snack, kelapa, makan siang, air minum). Berhubung kemarin rutenya dipotong, dapet cash back yang akhirnya dipake buat cd foto hasil jepretan crew Cherokee.