Sunday, November 4, 2012

My Charm Bracelet

this one was a belated birthday gift from my besties..
can you see that?
a gift box with burberry tartan over it..
love it!
couldn't wait to see what's inside
and after i opened..
can't you see that?
i'll zoom it for you..
yeeesss! It'a a charm bracelet!!!!
cute right?
and it's a HANDMADE!!!!

let's take a look the charms.....
matcha drink.. I love anykind of food with matcha.. nyuumm
cute pinky dress.. I always love wearing dress..
Cute cupcakes! replacing my birthday cake.. :D
Turqoise Ballet Shoes.. love the color, but a bit makes sad.. :'(
Teddy Bear! My favorite doll.. cute right? ;)
All the charms was handmade from clay. A perfect gift isn't it?
Thank you so much for whom made this perfectly beautiful and special
Moreover Thank you soooooooooo much to my besties Mukti, for always remember every little thing of me..
love you all! :D

Anyway, if you guys intend to custom order a handmade gift from clay, you can mail me :
tweet me @galuhfgalura ;)

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