Monday, April 29, 2013

A taste of Redvelvet in a drinks by Caian's

29 April 2013,

Attend acara Creation di UNPAR, dapet broadcast message kalau ada booth yang jual minuman rasa Redvelvet! Well.. Mungkin udah banyak yang tau, tapi aku belum! :p
Seriously, belum coba loooh..
Kepo, penasaran akhirnya beli..

Good tagline :D
Sexy redvelvet on a drink!
Sebenernya penasaran juga sama rasa Lycheers, tapi lebih kepo sama rasa redvelvet ini. Aneh aja sih minuman tapi rasa redvelvet. Daaann.. setelah dicoba.. Well, it's REDVELVET!
I always mention that redvelvet is a sexy taste, why?
Karena rasa redvelvet itu super unik. Dia terbuat dari bahan cokelat, tapi rasa cokelatnya enggak terlalu kentara, ada rasa segar dan menyenangkan juga. Manis tapi juga nggak terlalu manis.
Redvelvet just simply SEXY! :)

Ditinjau dari si redvelvet drink ini enak, sepertinya minuman yang lainnya juga enak..
Tapi sayang, belum ada settled place nya. Masih mangkal dari satu event ke event lainnya.
Kalau kebetulan dateng ke event yang diadain sama UNPAR, pasti ketemu Caian's deh.

See you on next drink!

Galuh Fajriyah Galura

Greentea Cheesecake by Stereo Desserts

29 April 2013,

Well, a-long-time-draft that hasn't been published.
Noticed nya udah lama dari waktu acara Hijab Fest bulan Juni 2012 di Sabuga. Waktu itu masih introduce product, jadi bisa coba testernya. Akhirnya decided beli yang rasa blueberry gara-gara temen nggak suka greentea (padahal udah ngebet banget beli yang greentea). Tapi sayang seribu berjuta sayang, si blueberry itu diabisin orang. T-T
Akhirnya, Februari kemarinan dapet kesempatan untuk beli yang greentea!
Its greentea and its chill.. :9 Stereo Desserts greentea cheese cake
Its remind me of Stereo Hearts song.. But this on is trifle ice cream. Would it be stereo in my heart?
read first, know it before you eat.. :p
look at those creamy green with crumbs!!
provocative quote: "Life is short, eat desserts first"
Let's have a try! Just can't wait creamy greentea blush my mouth.. :9
Creamy yummy greentea!
Don't stop until the bottom!

Well, I admit, kemasan eye catching bener-bener menarik hati untuk dibeli. Apalagi ada GREENTEA :p
Over all, creamy and yummy. Tapi di beberapa part terasa kurang mix antara flavor sama cream cheese nya. Sayang banget, dan itu muncul di tengah-tengah, agak merusak moment menikmatinya sih. Crumbs nya juga terlalu sedikit, jadi kurang balance.
Good concept of product! Ditambah lagi design kemasan yang oke banget, jadi kaya custom, tapi sayang banget lagi bad printing. :( Jadi mengurangi keindahannya. As premium desserts its worth with the price, but unfortunately its made people think twice to buy, jadi nggak bisa sering-sering belinya. :)

But I really heart this greentea trifle Ice cream.
So stereo in my heart.. :*

Galuh Fajriyah Galura

Basreng Lengkong

29 April 2013,

Kayaknya sejagad Bandung udah pada tahu sama basreng (baso goreng) yang tenar ini. Sedangkan aku baru tahu akhir-akhir ini. Lagi-lagi gara-gara temen yang ngidam.
Basreng Lengkong
Dinamain basreng lengkong gara-gara mangkalnya di jalan lengkong, tepatnya depan SD Lengkong. Usut punya usut, saking tenar dan banyak penggemarnya, ini emang-emang basreng pun jualan setiap weekend. Tiap kesitu, pasti aja ada yang lagi ngantri, meski itu weekend dimana anak-anak sekolahan pada libur.

Sederhana sih, cuma baso ikan yang dipotong-potong, digoreng, kemudian dikasih bumbu pedes, asin, ataupun keju. Nahh.. Yang istimewa dari basreng ini, dia dimasak ngedadak pas ada yang pesen, jadi fresh from the katel ceritanya.
Basreng Asin
Basreng Pedes
Well, rasanya ada asin, pedes, keju, bisa juga di mix loh. Buat yang baru mau coba dan pengen pedes, mending pedesnya sedeng aja dulu, karena pedesnya ampun-ampunan. Basrengnya dibikin kering banget atau enggak juga bisa di request loh! ;)
Have a try!

Galuh Fajriyah Galura

Milky-Chicken Noodle Cup by Gaga

29 April 2013

Actually I've been noticed this noodle cup since early April. Mom bought it for me to brought to KL. But I didn't, my suitcase was too full.
I've been attracted by the cover, the color was so unusual. Like pale color. Look like import product.

Gaga mi instan cup
Milk-Chicken Soup.. :9 sounds really yummy!
how to cook this yummy thing?
Ready to eat! Yummy! :9
Let's have a try!
Yaiy! The noodles.. :9
I add chili powder to this milky yummy soup
Yes.. I'm crazy over milky soup food!
The noodles just like other instant noodles, the really different is on the flavor!
It's milky chicken soup. The smell and the taste look alike chicken cream soup.
And all over this noodle cup really took my heart! :9

You should try this one!

Galuh Fajriyah Galura

A week of coffee

29 April 2013,
hello there!
long time no write..
too many things wait to be shared
then I realize its really bunch of it!
look so many folder of pictures in my laptop.

Okay, we start with coffee..

I'm not really sure why some row day of this week full with try new brand of coffee.

Start with this 78 degree coffee.
seventy eight degree coffee latte
 Well.. zoom it!
Well its local product. :) ready to drink coffee placed into a PET bottle.
high quality coffee mixed with milk :9
still can't get noticed?? Why its called seventy eight degree?
too thirsty to get comment on every detail.. Let's sip the coffee from the bottle!
Drink.. Drink..
Really tasty.. And really COFFEE!
I recommend this coffee in the bottle to bring here there and every where.. :')
This 78 degree coffee by kopiko.
But unfortunately the name were too hard to spell. Different with other competitor with foreign language that still can be spell by most of people although with Indonesian rhytm. :)
And anyway, the maroon 5 song with those ad's scene were really kewl!

I told you before that this is a week of coffee, the next day I tried another brand of coffee.
Actually its accidentally, after join a semi-formal meeting, then do last meet on one of fast food  restaurant with big yellow M.
After done, just get noticed a big ad poster with a glass of iced coffee on it.

iced coffee at Mc Cafe
well, that's the equation of this iced coffee.. is it really that delight??
 I sip from the straw.. And voila!
Just a coffee.
Yes it is really just a coffee.
Well, it's not a coffee shop, so what we can expect?

Galuh Fajriyah Galura