Wednesday, June 26, 2013

#30DaysChallenge : Day 1, Body Workout

25 June 2013

On this week two of my friends told me that I really changed. Guess what? One of them told me that I'm fatter until my cheek looks wanted to came out from my face, and the others said that I'm look like a pregnant woman. :'''''''''''''''''(
Lately sometimes I felt hard to breath, two of my friends (other friends not what I talked about before) told me maybe I was lack of sport. And I admitted that I was too lazy to do sport at home (and have no money to go gym).
Both of those case warned me a lot, some day before my clothes also warned me a lot. Then here I am, promise to do some simple workout at home, everyday!

And this is day 1, I made a record, I can do body workout at home for one hour. :')
So happy, usually I only can handle for only 15 minutes then get bored with. Okay, simple workout I did are sit up, lift up, jab, and using gym tools called free style glider.
Beside of those simple workout, I decrease amount of food I eat, especially on carbs. Then I do self detox, drink warm water plus lemon juice, on the morning before eat anything and before went bed. Well, that's I could tell you now..
Wish me luck! ;)

Galuh Fajriyah Galura 

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