Sunday, March 2, 2014

Two sides of coin

2 March 2014,

Hello March!
And Hello everyone!
So long time with no post. And I really miss you dear my blog! :p

Everyone know that everything in life created as pair. Night and day, black and white, so do with nice and bad.
Like coin, it has two sides.
Two faces person?
Yes there is. There are. Unconsciously, so are we.
We just sometime can't accept if someone who nice also can be an evil.
We are not an angel.

But just be positive.
Only Allah who has privilege to judge.
Positive thought made life much happier, right?
Just remember, even a fake 'nice' need an effort to do.
Every single person has their own flaws, so are we?


Galuh Fajriyah Galura

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