Saturday, August 3, 2013

Ice Cream Juggling by MADO Turkish Ice Cream

3 August 2013,

Hello there!
Been a long time not write. :p
Well, its another late post.
Have you ever heard about Turkish Ice Cream?

Few times ago, its been reviewed in many of travel guide tv show. Curious with those juggling things, how the Ice Cream tasted? And alhamdulillah, last year when I visited KL, I got the chance to taste it!
Mmmm.. which one I want to try? All of them looks delicious!
Here is the turkman aka as the Ice Cream juggler
The ice cream juggler teased every customer with playing the ice cream
The catchy thing is the show of ice cream juggling by the turkman. They teased every customer who buy there. Its my lucky day! The outlet has just been opened. I got free ice cream! Although being teased by the ice cream juggler.
The taste of Ice Cream?? Really smooth and creamy. The free ice cream is which come from the huge bucket, the ice cream that being juggled. He said that is an ice cream from goat's milk. Wew! Surprised! Its taste REALLY YUMMY! Delicious smooth and creamy! You didn't feel any taste of goat's milk.
Hopefully, soon they have outlets in Indonesia. ;)

Handsome turkman, the ice cream juggler.

Alhamdulillah, so happy tummy..

Galuh Fajriyah Galura

Insya Allah, soon I will visit Turkey! Amiiin

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