Friday, November 22, 2013

Year of SIX

22 November 2013,

Enam tahun yang lalu, tepat satu hari sebelum tanggal yang sama, ada yang jatoh dari motor. Nggak tahu kenapa feeling super dramatic about, sampe heboh cerita sama ibunda. Dan well, I found on that excitement, more excitement, unbelievable can be described excitement until today. Bored with, feeling insecure, all the fought, just made it stronger and stronger.
I don't know how to tell it. Only me who felt like a popcorn inside the microwave, you don't know what happened inside. You just heard all those pop sounds. Like me, you don't know what I felt inside, but you heard that I 'pop' many things. :)
Wishing for many good things ahead, include our lovely dream.

Thank you for all the time we've spent and time we'd love to go.
Our journey. 

Galuh Fajriyah Galura

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