Wednesday, June 26, 2013

#30DaysChallenge : Day 2, Life's change

26 June 2013,

Well, this is the second day of my #30DaysChallenge , actually this is a challenge for myself, to change some bad habit for better life, especially in health. Why health? Even we're still young, many disease can appear anytime, all could happen because an unconsciously cause like food what we eat or our habit. Moreover it took my concern when my cousin (30 something) got stroke. So, why don't we start change our habit at young and still enjoying healthy life until get old.. :)

Okay, in this second day, still I did some simple body workout (sit up, lift up, jab, and not forget my favorite gym tools called freestyle glider). I did breakfast and lunch, and some snacks(choco biscuits), I change dinner with eat some banana. Also not forget my self detox with lemon juice + warm water. Let's see how they works for some couple day. Wish me luck.. ;)

Galuh Fajriyah Galura

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