Sunday, June 30, 2013

#30DaysChallenge : Day 5, Even tummy needs a holiday

29 June 2013

A big warn when I put on my clothes, I couldn't wear my pants :( , and the saddest part is I couldn't wear light color pants! :( Okay, this is really bad. I saw my body on the mirror, and its really huge alarm and challenged me more.

Today is saturday. Still and still on my simple daily workout and lemon juice detox (fyi, I got many lemons from my boyfie's mom! And its fresh from the tree! Yaiy!).
Not much I could tell you here, its all about the food I ate today totally fun food. And still couldn't avoid fried food. I also drank sweet drinks today. Well, even tummy needs a holiday and needs to be happy, right? :)
Oh the good news is I could felt my tummy bit flat and although its only simple body workout, I could felt my body burn. :')
Anyway, I still couldn't find how to toned my triceps, do you know?

Galuh Fajriyah Galura

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