Saturday, June 29, 2013

#30DaysChallenge : Day 4, Pressed the appetite

28 June 2013,

Waw, its just still on day 4. -____- Still long way to go..
But no worry, I still on fire! :D
Just same like some days before, I did the simple workout. Combination between sit up, leg raises, jab, and today I add kicking. And not forget my favorite gym tools freestyle glider (I did it while listening to the radio). I also still did the lemon juice detox.
Being more concern about this challenge made me more curious to found out about fact some sport. Besides from pinterest, I also get it from twitter. And I found an article how to pressed your appetite. I admit that why my body blown up, one of the reason is my suddenly increase of appetite. I read the article and found out some points to pressed the appetite. The point of all that is how to keep you normally full. Some of the points told about kind of food that can keep you full longer, like complex carbo (brown rice, oatmeal), and some protein source. And beside all of that, the simplest thing is to eat slower. I practiced it after read it (I didn't sure it was a suggestion or what), somehow I felt full while my meal was touched half. I usually eat half of spoon, now I eat only quarter of it and chew it slower than before. I guess it works! *cheer*. I got full faster than before and its stayed longer. :') What a heaven..

Still wish me luck okay? ;)

Galuh Fajriyah Galura

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