Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Full of Love Taste Pempek by Pempek Sikam

2 July 2013

Yaiy! This is it! Pempek sudah biasa. Tapi kalau yang ini spesial! ;)
Waktu pertama kali aku coba spesial banget malah. Pempek khas Palembang, yang dibikin di Bandung, daaaaaannn aku coba di Kuala Lumpur, how's that sound? Kelw right? :D
Okay, moreover we'll talked about this special food that originally from Palembang, the city of the owners come from. Pempek is made of fish (Tenggiri fish), in English called it fish cake.
Pempek Lenjer
My favorite: Pempek Adaan
The unique one: Pempek Kulit (Made of Skin of fish)
 Well, the batter of mixture between fish, tapioca and some seasoning being form into some of shape. There are Pempek Lenjer (long shape), Pempek Kapal Selam (filled with egg, the shape look like submarine so its called 'Kapal Selam), Pempek Adaan (round shape), last but not least the most unique is Pempek Kulit (flat shape, its made from fish's skin). Then the pempek being fried, and served with special sauce called Cuka Pempek, the taste is sweet sour and sometimes spicy. Not forget noodles, rice noodles and cucumber as the condiment.
Cuka Pempe
How does it taste? Really yummy! 
Especially the taste of Cuka Pempek. Well, since I live in Bandung, I recommend this Pempek Sikam for you to try. Why? The taste of Pempek real originally fish. Then the sauce, Cuka Pempek, has dense texture. Perfectly mixed taste between sweet, sour, and really spicy. SUPER TASTY AND YUMMY! Fyi, the owners is a young married couple who always full of love. I guess the taste is full of love, so its really tasty. :p

You can buy it online on www.pempeksikam.com. Another plus point, this Pempek is guaranteed Halal. So, nothing to worry. :)
Have a try!

Alhamdulillah, so happy tummy!


Galuh Fajriyah Galura

Psstt... They've released new menu called Martabak Kari. I think you guys should try them! Because its really mouth watering at the picture! :D I also want to try it so bad! Can't waiiiit!

1 comment:

  1. Galuuuhh.. ijin share yaa..
    Its me.. @juraganHasbi ;) very nice post..trims a lot..
